May 16, 2013


Dining out is never complete without a sweet grand finale, and here at Yamashiro, we give you: The Banana Crepe!

Our winter dessert favorite, the Red Wine Poached Apple Crepes, was such a hit that our resident pastry genius, Alejandro Andadre, adapted his recipe to the summer season with a new banana flavor! Take a bite into the fluffy banana Chantilly Crème-filled crepes and transport yourself to that paradise where you have been mentally vacationing all day.  Real pieces of fresh, soft banana are hidden in every bite and crunchy candied brittle proved the perfect contrast with their nutty flavor.  A scoop of our homemade dark chocolate sorbet is soothing as a cold collaboration with the warm crepe, or even as a delicious dessert to your dessert!

What’s the final touch? A drizzle of caramel sauce—your sweet tooth will be thankful.

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