June 27, 2013



What if we told you that Tempura was actually originated by the Portuguese?  Yes, it’s true! When the Portuguese landed on Japanese shores, they introduced temporaTempora was a phase of time referred to as the Ember Days. During this time, the Portuguese Catholics would avoid eating meats, and focused their diets primarily on fish and vegetables. By dipping the fish into batter and frying it, they created a new more filling approach to the simplicity of their ingredients.

  Today tempura is associated primarily in Japanese cuisine, and most popularly using shrimp and vegetables. Here at Yamashiro, we boast our light, crispy tempura heaven, the Seafood Tempura starter. Using scallops, cod and shrimp, Chef Brock adds a new and exciting twist to the ordinary shrimp option. Even more mouthwatering are the sauces! Atop the crispy battered seafood, a yuzu chile cream sauce is dripping on top, and awaiting a dunk into the sake-ponzu sauce. Yes. We said sake...

 By far, it is hailed by many to be the best tempura in town. Let’s see how irresistible it is to you...

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